Sports apparel brands created the business model that pays elite athletes millions of dollars in exchange for their visual identities, then exploits those identities to profit by the billions. They become commodities—their image, style, and even initials absorbed as part of the great commercial machine. Powerade wants to disrupt the model, by giving all athletes—not just the elite few—the power to know they can own their own identities.
At this year’s McDonald’s All-American Game, we gifted all 48 participants with the power to own their very own, professionally designed brand identity. Most importantly, they received a document, turning over full ownership and the copyright of the design to them, allowing them to use it however they wish, in perpetuity.
Role: CD
Partner: Bharat Kumar
ACD Art: Mike Costa
ACD Copy: Greg Weber
Senior Copywriter: Bob Tallman
CCO: Omid Farhang