The purpose: to educate at-risk people and their loved ones about very high triglycerides, but in a thought-provoking, entertaining and sharable way. And who knows more about the benefits of fish oil then, well, fish? To bring it to life, we highlight the banter between two Striped Bass—Sal and Marty—who discuss the merits of exercise and a healthier diet, as well as some other rather inane stuff. It quickly became Twitter's Top 5 Performing Health Campaign ever.
CANNES LIONS: 01 Grand Prix + 01 Silver + 01 Bronze + 01 Shortlist | CLIO HEALTH: 01 Silver + 02 Bronze + 01 Shortlist | ADAGE Creativity Pick of the Day
Role: CD
Partner: Todd Feitlin
ACD (CW): Bharat Kumar
ECD: Mark Musto